Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sucky McSuckerson

Yes, that's me.  In most areas of my life, I'm great.  In the weight loss portion, I'm Sucky McSuckerson.  Am I gaining?  No, not really.  But I'm not losing either.  Here I sit weighing about what I did this time last year.  That wouldn't be bad if I weren't the size of a beached whale.  OK, a baby beached whale, but you get my drift.

I have so many big dreams and ideas...I set goals of being below 200 pounds by (insert date here)...and then I do nothing about any of it.  I have wanted to become a zumba instructor for over a year, but want to get some weight off before I do it.  While I sat here doing nothing about it, my sister discovered zumba, got certified to instruct, has her own classes with a great following AND has lost weight (she was small to start with).  So what is it that makes some people have the get up and go to, well, get up and go and actually DO these thngs while I sit by and talk about them?  I'm so proud of my sister, and she is well on her way of hitting her weight loss goals.  While here I sit, biggest one by far in my family, struggling to make it through a single day of eating right?

My scale said 216 this morning.  That's terrible, but not as bad as the 256 it once said.  I cannot begin to express how exciting it would be to get out of the terrible 2's...and even knowing that as I do, why can't I do it?  I don't get it.  Truly I don't. 

I'm going to have to work toward that mindset steps, right?

Today I will:

*drink 32oz of water (still nowhere near enough, but more than the couple of oz I typically drink each day)
*journal my food
*get in 30 minutes of exercise (I will have time after I run out at lunch to go to the Y and walk on the treadmill before I pick the kids up...going to pack my clothes and try to absolutely force myself to go...once I go once it will get easier each time.)

And that's it for today.  I can do that, right? 

Yes, I can.

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