Monday, February 16, 2009

About me...

I am a 32 year old mother of three. I have been married to the love of my life for 13 years this year. I am a stay at home mom (SAHM). I have issues keeping a clean house. I have great eyes and hair.

And I am a fat chick.

Of everything I am, good and bad, being a fat chick is what people see when they look at me. They don't see that I am a wonderful mother, or that I could be a great friend to them...they see that I am a fat chick. And I am ready for that to change.

My husband and I have both needed to lose weight for a long time, but a few months ago during routine testing, my husband was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and off the charts triglycerides (over 600 ~ normal is below 200.) Weight loss used to be just a vanity issue, but now it is a health issue. It is no longer an option, but a necessity.

Seven years ago, I joined Weight Watchers and lost 46 pounds...then something happened and in the blink of an eye I had gained back 60 pounds. So here I sit now, needing to lose over 100 pounds to be even close to my ideal weight. DH (dear husband) needs to lose 80-90 pounds. I plan to re-join WW and bring what I learn back home to him.

I plan to use this blog for talk about my feelings as I struggle with losing, then maintaining my weight, to share and review recipes and healthier choices at local restaurants.

Please feel free to share recipes or comment...I have a long journey ahead of me!

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