Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update on me. :)

I just realized that I never came in and reported how my WI went last week. After how upset I was over my eating, I somehow managed a .2 loss! Yes, a loss. I can only figure it one way...the previous week I was up when I should've been down. That good week must've caught up with the bad week and turned it around for me.

This has been a really good week, and I am feeling really good. Walked Mon and Tue so far, hoping to walk tonight too. I am beginning to doubt whether I can make my 5K or not...I am struggling to keep up with my mother when we walk and can barely make it 2 miles, and THAT takes 40 minutes! I dread being the last person to cross the finish line at the race...but I guess finishing last is still finishing, right?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome you had a loss! Keep up the great work!
