Saturday, April 4, 2009

Weigh In Number 5


I lost...

...drum roll please...

3 pounds!

Yep, that same 3 pounds that I gained last week. YAY ME! In a way I am disgusted with myself, because I am back where I was 2 weeks ago. Like this past 2 weeks was just a waste and they cancel each other out, LOL...that said, in the past it has taken me several weeks to recover from a gain like this, so the fact that I have been able to do it so quickly is a good thing.

Next week I am going to try my hardest to lose 3.6lbs. If I can do that, I will hit my 5% weight loss. For most people, this isn't a big deal, but when you are a fat chick like I am, 5% is HUGE! Just losing that amount will lower my risks for many, many diseases, not to mention high blood pressure.

Just knowing that I am making better choices with each meal makes me feel better. I truly think that my WW leader is awesome, and that makes the meetings so much better for me. I trust Angie and know that she is teaching me tools that will help me make the best decisions that I can make in my day to day life.

I am working on my low points Easter dinner contributions now...if anyone is reading this and has any ideas, please comment!

On another subject...several people have come up to me on the street this past week and mentioned that they saw my blog online and were keeping up with me and seeing how I am doing. Thank you so much, y'all! For those that don't know, my blog is linked from the site, and local people can keep up with me. If you see me out, definitely let me know that you are reading my blog! It makes me feel good, and helps keep me accountable to know that people are keeping an eye on my progress!

Good night, all! It's after 1am and this fat chick is tired!


  1. Congrats on the loss! 5% is an awesome goal for anyone! You can do it!

  2. Great progress on losing the 3 pounds nonetheless!! I think the mental aspect itself, of knowing you CAN lose it, is worth TONS :>

    Wow you must be a brave one! I would never be able to put everything out in the "public," if people would come up to me in the streets and tell me they read my blog. I am way too coward!!
